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Genre Presentation: Vegan YouTube

~ "What I Eat/Ate In A Day" videos

~ Aesthetically pleasing

~ A way to casually share recipes and ideas 

My project focuses on the vegan YouTube community, specifically the vegan YouTube community that makes "What I Eat/Ate In A Day" videos. Most current, notable vegan content creators put out these videos from time to time, sometimes every week and sometimes just whenever they feel like it, depending on the individual. Some people even have channels entirely dedicated to these videos, where they show their viewers a day in their life through the meals they consume. They are all shot in different ways, sometimes with just the food itself being presented and sometimes with the YouTuber going through their whole day, food and everything else. One thing that remains consistent is how aesthetically beautiful and pleasing they tend to be, as when someone is presenting their food to the world, it is obviously going to look way better than it would if they were simply making it for themselves. I think it's a great way to get people to think about veganism and vegan food in a casual way, while also allowing the YouTuber to easily share the things that they eat on a daily basis.

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